80 Acres of Outdoor Paradise – Dateland, AZ
Easy road access
The government can keep printing money but cannot make more land!!
This property gives you all the space you can ever need to explore and more. Amazing mountain views in all directions. Thousands of acres of BLM land are adjacent to the property leading straight to the Gila River. This property is rich with vegetation and being close to the river makes it a wildlife magnet. Excellent property features for a private hunting camp. Ride your horses, build a shooting range (no nearby neighbors!), tear up the ground on your ATVs, and cool off by the river.
The property is less than 10 minutes off Interstate 8, Exit 67, and has easy dirt road access off of paved Avenue 64E. Dateland includes a travel center that houses a gas station, restaurant, and groceries. On the way to the property from Dateland are a tire shop, school, and local pub!

Property Attributes
County: Yuma
Parcel Number: 165-30-007
Legal Description: T6S R12W SEC 30 S2SE4
Utilities: An electric line is 1/2 mile to the west of the parcel along Avenue 64E. Water would be through a well or trucked in. Waste would be septic.
Zoning: Rural Area (RA) 40
Hunting: Game Management Unit 41
Nearest town: Less than 10 minutes from Dateland AZ: Population 1,000. Dateland has all the local services needed including a restaurant, gas station, food mart, tire shop, pub, and travel center.
Flood Zone: 100-year area
Taxes: $47.44 per year.
Terrain: Flat
Elevation: 375′

From Interstate 8, Exit 67 (Dateland): Take Avenue 64E north for 4.8 miles and turn right (east) onto unnamed dirt road (GPS: 32.869427, -113.541116). Go 1/2 mile until the road ends into a clearing. This is the southwest corner of the property. Scroll down to see the driving video along the path. The property extends 1/2 mile to the east and 1/4 mile to the north from this location.

Nearby Cities and Attractions

1 hr 5 min to Yuma, AZ: With a population of 96,000, Yuma is a welcoming city where you can find all the services you need including shopping, dining, and entertainment without dealing with the traffic and crime of a larger metropolitan area.
1 hr 50 min to Phoenix, AZ: Population 1,600,000. The property is close enough to a day trip to Phoenix yet far enough away to avoid the inflated property values of the Phoenix metropolitan area.
3 hr 30 min to San Diego, CA: Population 1,400,000
Nearby Attractions – Kofa National Wildlife Refuge

The two mountain ranges dominate the 665,400-acre refuge, of which more than 80 percent is designated as wilderness. Although these mountains are not especially high (the tallest peak is less than 5,000 feet), they are extremely rugged and provide excellent habitat for plant and animal species adapted to the harsh desert climate.
Nearby Attractions – Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge

Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refugre is the third largest wildlife refuge in the lower forty-eight states with 860,010 total acres. Cabeza Prieta is Spanish for “dark head,” referring to a lava-topped granite peak within a remote mountain range in the western corner of the refuge. Most of the refuge consists of wide, flat desert valleys, separated by narrow volcanic mountain ranges running north to south.
Have questions? Ready to purchase?
Call or text Steve at 484-246-5436 or email [email protected] anytime. We pride ourselves on being responsive to the satisfaction of our customers and typically return all calls and messages within the hour. We’ll be happy to explain what to expect with the closing process and answer any questions.